Our Guidelines for IN-PERSON Classes
We are so excited to offer in-person classes! As of June 2023, The Freeman Studio no longer requires proof of vaccination before enrolling in an in-person class. However, we strongly encourage all our studio members to stay up to date on their COVID vaccination series, including booster shots.
Please be aware that we will be monitoring health & safety advisories, and if conditions are deemed too unsafe to offer in-person classes, we reserve the right to transition any in-person class to online learning at any time.
*please note these policies are subject to change as new information becomes available*
Vaccine RequirementsAs of June 2023, The Freeman Studio no longer requires proof of vaccination before enrolling in an in-person class. However, we strongly encourage all our studio members to stay up to date on their COVID vaccination series, including booster shots
Mask RequirementsMask Requirements are based on the CDC COVID-19 Community Level.C rate of transmission: - If the transmission level for New York City is “Low” or “Green,” masks will be optional in the studio. - If the level is “Medium"/"Yellow” or above, a N95 or KN95 mask must be worn at all times in the studio and all areas of the building, except while performing. The studio can provide a mask, if necessary. CURRENTLY MASK ARE: OPTIONAL (Please note that the choice to continue to wear a mask at all times is fully supported by the Studio. Any criticism or coercion against mask wearing will not be tolerated and could be cause for dismissal.)
Testing RequirementsFrequent testing is strongly encouraged by The Freeman Studio. If you are experiencing COVID-19 symptoms, or have recently tested positive or been directly exposed, you will not be allowed to return to class until completing the CDC recommended 5 day quarantine, and providing a negative PCR or antigen test. You may be asked to wear a mask while performing.
Ventilation & CleaningThe studio is equipped with two high-powered and quiet HEPA filter systems. Please note: one filter system is sufficient to clean the air for the size of our space, so a second filter has doubled the recommended efficiency. At least one window is partly open at all times. Windows will be fully opened, weather permitting. Hand sanitizer dispensers are available as you enter the building and inside the studio.
Food & DrinkNO FOOD is allowed in the class area. Any food must be consumed in either the kitchen area or in the hallway. DRINKS are allowed in the class area, but actors must dispose of all trash/recycling in the bins provided in the studio.
RehearsalFor classes that require rehearsals outside of class time, such as scene study, we encourage actors to rehearse virtually or outdoors. If meeting in person, please practice recommended safety standards. Actors are not obligated to rehearse in-person.
Props & Other BelongingsThe studio has a limited supply of props available for scene work. Other needed or required props must be brought from home and removed at the end of class. Props, or other personal belongings, can not be stored in the studio.
Illness &/or Experiencing SymptomsPlease stay home if you are sick! If you are experiencing COVID symptoms, you must notify the studio immediately and are not allowed to attend class. Any person arriving at the studio exhibiting symptoms will be sent home. Refunds or credits will not be issued for missed classes, so we encourage all actors to follow COVID safety guidelines outside of class time as well.
Potential COVID-19 ExposureIf a COVID infection is reported, the class will be notified of the exposure immediately with instructions for quarantine and testing. Anyone with a positive test will not be allowed to return to class. In the event of multiple positive cases, the following week's class will be held online. Any teacher who reports a COVID infection will be required to isolate for ten days and class will be held online. However, if the teacher is too ill to teach, the class will be rescheduled.
Online Learning ContingenciesIn the event of a COVID-19 outbreak, or government mandated shutdown due to emergent variants or case surges, any in-person class can be transitioned to online learning at any time. No refunds or credits will be issued for such unforeseen events.
We have a responsibility and commitment to keep our community and city safe. Anyone who does not follow these rules will be asked to leave the studio and may not be allowed to return. No refund or credit will be issued.