Our home base is in the Tribeca neighborhood of New York City. But we are continually building relationships with like-minded organizations [locally, regionally, and globally], dedicated to helping actors.
The Actors Centre London and The Freeman Studio
THE FREEMAN STUDIO is excited to announce the beginning of a unique partnership with our colleagues at THE ACTORS CENTRE of LONDON.
New York > London
London > New York

About the Partnership
The Actors Centre London was founded in 1978 with Sir Laurence Olivier as the Patron. Since then it has grown to become the UK’s leading organization that supports actors throughout their careers. [Click here for more info on The Actors Centre London]
We have discovered that our two organizations are simpatico in our missions to provide innovative and practical programs for our actors. We have also found that many American actors spend time in London, while our British counterparts do the same in New York. In that spirit, we have created an exciting opportunity to provide a "home away from home" to give actors a base for their overseas experience.
What Is It?
Freeman Studio actors will have the opportunity to continue their training abroad with access to classes, guidance and mentorship at The Actors Centre in London. They will sponsor up to 5 actors a year. Accepted applicants will receive free membership to The Actors Centre London and access to their support services, as well as individual mentorship to guide the actor in the London acting scene and profession.
How Do I Apply?
If you have taken a class at The Freeman Studio within the past year, you are welcome to apply. Simply write to info@thefreemanstudio.com [be sure to put "Atlantic Crossing" in the subject heading]. All memberships will be valid for one year.
There is no cost. In fact, Freeman Studio actors will be given discounts on classes. However, transportation, room and board are not included.
Actor Friends in London?
Please tell them about this reciprocal offer in New York: If you are an Actors Centre Premium member and are going to be working or living in New York on a temporary basis, you can apply for a similar sponsorship at The Freeman Studio by emailing Debbie Morris the Membership Manager at members@actorscentre.co.uk and put “Atlantic Crossing” in the subject heading.